multitlateral econoic management was also pursued in the area of international trade at the tokyo round gatt talks. begun in 1973 and concluded in 1979, these talks were conducted i a very different setting from that which surrounded the kennedy round GATT negotiations of the 1960s. then states felt capable of striking old bargains that would open up the world econoy to freer trade in industrial goods. the atmosphere during the tokyo round was marked by caution, and the ultimate success of these talks was not taken for granted. In spite of the difficulties encountered the tokyo round talks did produce some notable successes. the problem of nontariff barriers to trade was addressed for the first time. codes were established in such areas as dumping , government procurement,licensing,subisies, and countervailing duties. while marking a significant advance, these codes were not endorsed by all the parties to tokyo round talks, thus allowing countries legally to continue to engage in discriminatory trade practices . international trade in agricultural goods also remained largely beyond the reach of GATT regulations. these deficiencies were sufficiently glaring that in 1983 the reagan adminstration began lobbying for a new round of trade talks. these negotiations, known as the uruguay round, would begin n 1986