Profit Center Maintenance The process “32-02 Profit Center Group Maintenance” is trigger by the process “32-01 Profit Center Master Data Maintenance” for the creation, alteration or deletion of profit center group. If the process is to create profit center group go to step 1, change go to step 2 or delete go to step 3.
1. Create Profit Center Group Create profit center group following the standard naming convention. After profit center group is created successfully, inform the requestor and/or relevant persons for the new profit center group that is available to be used. Profit Center Group Maintaining KCH1/KCH3
2. Change Profit Center Group Change profit center group as required. After profit center group is successfully changed inform the requestor and/or relevant persons for the progress or completeness of the process. Profit Center Group Maintaining KCH2/KCH3
3. Delete Profit Center Group Delete profit center group as required. To perform this process, profit centers group must be free from any business transactions and no longer used in reporting.
If system prompts the error during the deletion process goes to step 4 or else inform the requestor and/or relevant persons for the progress or the completeness of the process. Profit Center Group Maintaining KCH2/KCH3
4. Verify the cause of error. Verify the cause of error for profit center group deletion. It is possible that target profit center group is associated with dependent record such that it is used in reporting purpose. In such case, the dependent records need to be removed prior to reprocessing the deletion step. Profit Center Group Maintaining KCH2/KCH3
Inform Relevant Person Inform the requestor and/or relevant persons for the completeness of the process.
Relevant documents must be kept for auditing purpose.