The guy who claims he's an expert on paranormal claims and that he knows for a fact that the child is making up fairy tales, he's a moron. How would his parents know anything about the pilot? How would he know exactly how the plane went down? The only person who knew how the pilot went down was James Jr and the man who was flying next to him. I hate it when people get in fields claiming to be experts just to tell people they are liars and making up fairy tales. This story has nothing to do with religion though, many Atheists will take this opportunity to bring God into it. This story is about a little boy who has memories of the man who died and he's trying to resolve those memories. He doesn't have a reason to make up the story, he doesn't have a way to make up the story and there's no research online that would tell exact details about what happened. Though I'm not sure about past lives myself, I would never say this child is a liar and that his parents helped create a lie.
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