Kok Peng suggested government consider alternative solutions such as self-help
housing which he claimed would be affordable by the poor. He argued (1989, p. 46), for
access to land and finance, and allowing low-income families to build their own
houses, quoting the work of Jee Yuan. In his criticism of the view that self-help
housing is substandard and in poor condition he argued that problems did not arise
because of inability of low-income families to build good houses. The reasons were
lack of land tenure security, which prevented them from investing in their houses and
improved maintenance, exacerbated by the lack of amenities and services in their areas
(1989: 47).
Kok Peng suggested government consider alternative solutions such as self-help
housing which he claimed would be affordable by the poor. He argued (1989, p. 46), for
access to land and finance, and allowing low-income families to build their own
houses, quoting the work of Jee Yuan. In his criticism of the view that self-help
housing is substandard and in poor condition he argued that problems did not arise
because of inability of low-income families to build good houses. The reasons were
lack of land tenure security, which prevented them from investing in their houses and
improved maintenance, exacerbated by the lack of amenities and services in their areas
(1989: 47).
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