We take our obligations under data protection legislation seriously: these require us to explain how the data you provide to us as part of the application process and any other personal data which may be created in connection with your application, may be used. Any data about you will be held in secure conditions, with access restricted to those who need it in connection with dealing with your application and selection (i.e. those involved in the selection, recruitment and employment functions). Data may also be used for the purposes of monitoring the effectiveness of the selection process, but in these circumstances, all data will be anonymised. Personal data relating to your application will be kept in secure conditions for up to two years, and then destroyed, if you are unsuccessful. If you are successful, the data will be transferred to your Royal Household employment record. We will be unable to process your application unless we can use your personal data in the ways described above.
The Royal Household’s Privacy Policy and Statement, along with the terms and conditions of use of the Royal Household website can be found by clicking here.
By choosing to submit your registration, you consent to your personal data being used as outlined above.