4.7. Unintended consequences of PRIME and the ‘malaria people’
When asked about the intervention and the changes it had brought to their health seeking practices, some community members mentioned that they or their neighbours relied on the health services provided by the PRIME and other evaluation research teams instead of visiting their health centres, as can be seen in their comments below.
Whatever I have to say is, there are those people, [malaria people] I don't know where their computer (GPS) is and how they know, but they just come to your home and give treatment to you and to your children and then they go back (52 year old married man, small scale farmer. FDG#12).
The real change I have noticed is the assistance by the malaria people. My child is enrolled in the malaria study; therefore I ensure that I take him for blood tests, and then appropriate assistance is given (42 year old mother, pre-primary school teacher FGD#2).