Guidelines for creating activities
This checklist gives guidelines for you to think about when designing activities. It is not
necessary to cover every point in any one activity, but each is worth considering. The most
important principle to remember, though, is that each individual activity needs to remain
focused on the theme so that its purpose is clear.
The people doing the activity
• Is the activity manageable in the time available?
• Will the activity be authentic and interesting? (This will apply particularly if it is
based on the experience of those performing the activity.)
Reasons for the activity
• What is the purpose of the activity?
• What new information will be learned?
• Will learners see some purpose in the activity?
• Is it clear to participants why it is worthwhile to do the activity?
• Does the activity provide an opportunity to assess the task performed or to think
about what is being learned?
Activity procedure
• Are the instructions clear, simple and well ordered?
• Does the activity require learners to work together meaningfully? (Collaborating
with others is a valuable way of learning, although obviously some activities will
be designed for individuals.)