Application of GA3 to H. humboldtianus promoted earlier flowering,
increased the number of inflorescences per plant, number
of flowers per inflorescence and improved the vegetative growth
producing an attractive flowering potted plant (Fig. 1). Results
of the present study agrees with previous studies including, GA3
promoted earlier flowering and anthesis in facultative long day
plant Brunonia during short days (Wahyuni et al., 2011), Helleborus
niger L. and the hybrid Helleborus x erucsmithii M. Mathew
(Christiaens et al., 2012). Scanning electron microscopic examination
of, Streptocarpus×hybridus cultivar (hybrid Delta), treated
with gibberellins (GA4+7) at 1cmleaf length stage showed floral initiation
and development within 1 week of gibberellins treatment