Consequently, Social Learning Theory could add different aspects to Diffusion of Innovations Theory. First, it agrees with Cultural Studies regarding the importance of the cultural environment in the implementation stage. Second, it adds the dimension of mass communication as a source of modeled behavior. Rogers himself argues that imitation of modeled behavior is a central process in diffusion: This interdependence on the experience of near peers suggests that the heart of the diffusion process consists of the modeling and imitation by potential adopters by their network partners who have previously adopted. Diffusion is a very social process that involves interpersonal communication relationships (Rogers, 2003, p. 19). This implicit connection to Social Learning Theory is picked up by Bandura (2006) himself, who also argues that symbolic modeling is a core process of diffusion (Bandura, 2006, p. 125) and refers to the creative side of the adopter in the diffusion process: