Remember when I told you that we rescued the Arabic Business men (Five in number) who where kidnapped and taken hostages on a serious assignment? They appreciated my teams efforts with cash and we have decided to keep everything to ourselves and due to cash embargo on military men here and the fact that they don't allow us here to handle huge sums of money couple with the security instability and also couple with the crisis here in my base camp, I will immediately put the money inside one of the luggage's and give it to the red cross alongside the other luggage's so that he ship it to you immediately. The amount is stated below. You have to know that its a to secret between us and you will be very careful so that one will read emails between us. You must seek my concept before you do anything now okay.
I have given him your name, you know the red cross plane are not searched to and fro so it will be better for us that way and promise me you will keep this to yourself under your loving and precious care until your sweet love (me) comes back. Here is the details of my red cross man that will be bringing the three luggage's to you:
Email him and tell him that you are my wife and that I have asked you to contact him in respect of the luggage's i drop with him. I emailed him a photo of you and have instructed him to deliver it to you alone.
Please honey let me know when the luggage's gets to you and for your information, the luggage's contains my cloths, personal documents, medals, a jewelry I bought for you and $4,700,000 USD (Four Million, seven hundred United State Dollars) in cash and other of my valuables. I gave him the last $1000 i was with for his services which is the last money i am with here. I just told Rev. Darrin Stiffler that I am returning to my wife and that he should help me ship my luggage's to you ahead my discharge because of the devastation in camp so he doesn't know the content of the luggage's only me and you have an idea of what the luggage's truly contained okay.
Please take good care of yourself for me and always know that I love you with all my heart. Kisses all over your body. Forever yours in love.