Vitamin-C-time interval
Strength of Vitamin-C decreases with time. In the case of room temperature it was decreasing
with time. In the case of refrigerated sample it was decreasing more slowly than room
temperature. In the case of preservative it was also found to be decreasing. From Figure 1 and
Figure 3 it is evident that the juice with Vitamin-C at 80ºC and 85ºC respectively, preserved at
room temperature was found to be decreasing but in case of refrigerated temperature Vitamin-C
was slowly decreasing. Figure 5 shows that the juice with Vitamin-C at 90ºC when preserved at
room temperature and at refrigerated temperature Vitamin-C was not decreasing. Figure 7 shows
that the juice stored with preservative at 1000 ppm, a favourable curve and better storage quality
was obtained.