Dear Onanong,
Your application for a permanent (Partner (Migrant) (subclass 100)) partner visa will be eligible for consideration two years after your date of lodgement, 12/09/2013.
To process your application we require additional information, about your circumstances for the period since you were granted a temporary (Partner (Provisional) (subclass 309)) partner visa.
Detailed information on applying for a permanent partner visa is available from
There are two ways to submit the required documentation, either Online or by Post. Please refer to the attached Step Guide for further information.
Please note: Online applications will require access to a scanner or digital camera to attach supporting documentation to your application. You will also need your Application ID and Lodgement date, which can be located at the top of this letter.
Processing times
Please be aware that all applications are processed by lodgement date order and that Individual processing times will vary depending on a range of factors. While we are unable to provide a definitive timeframe for processing, please be assured that your application will be processed as soon as possible.
Withdrawing your application or sponsorship
If you would like to withdraw your application you should do so in writing from an authorised e-mail address, or by post.
Yours sincerely