The Lessor shall have the right to assign, change, transfer or otherwise dispose of furniture, fittings or fixture as deemed appropriate but not to the detriment to the Lessee.
Special condition #1: If the Lessee terminates the contract prior to the agreed Six months term (6 months) that the security deposit will be forfeited to the Lessor.
Special condition #2: The Lessee shall pay for any incurred damages during the period of his/her stay to either and or any originally provided furniture/electrical goods and or the property itself incurred by themselves or any associates.
THIS AGREEMENT is made in duplicate form, with identical wording, both parties, having read and fully understood its contents; agrees to comply with its terms and conditions. The Lessee shall state that he/she may take legal advice on the contents of this Agreement, and by signing it, advises that he/she have done so, or accept full responsibility for not having done so.
Therefore, In witness whereof both parties have hereunder affixed their signatures in the presence of witnesses on the date at the place first above written, the Lessor and Lessee each to keep one signed copy.