1 Usually,…
Paula and Gary wake up Isla. Correct! Correct
Gary wakes up Paula and Isla. blank!
Isla wakes up Paula and Gary. blank!
2 While Paula has her morning run, Gary…
takes Isla to nursery. blank!
cycles next to her. Correct! Correct
goes to work. blank!
3 After training, Paula…
has lunch, bathes, then collects her daughter. blank!
bathes, collects her daughter, then has lunch. Correct! Correct
collects her daughter, bathes, then has lunch. blank!
4 After lunch, Gary looks after Isla while Paula…
trains. blank!
sleeps. Correct! Correct
eats. blank!
5 Paula…
eats large meals but never eats snacks. blank!
eats large meals and often eats snacks. Correct! Correct
eats small meals but often eats snacks. blank!
6 Every two days, Paula
goes for a long run. blank!
runs 145 miles. blank!
trains extra hard. Correct! Correct
7 While Paula does her exercises, her daughter…
has dinner. Correct! Correct
climbs on her. blank!
plays with Gary. blank!
8 In the evening,…
Gary bathes Isla, then Gary and Paula eat, then Isla goes to bed. Correct! Correct
Gary bathes Isla, then Isla goes to bed, then Gary and Paula eat. blank!
Gary and Paul eat, then Gary bathes Isla, then Isla goes to bed. blank!
9 Paula does exercises to strengthen her legs while she…
cooks dinner. blank!
brushes her teeth. Correct! Correct
watches TV. blank!
10 Now Paula has a daughter, she rarely…
reads. Correct! Correct
watches TV. blank!
spends time with Gary.