• Computing platforms used to provide computing services that connect employees, customers,
and suppliers into a coherent digital environment, including large mainframes,
desktop and laptop computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs),and Internet“appliances.”
• Telecommunications services that provide data, voice, and video connectivity to
employees, customers, and suppliers.
• Data management services that store and manage corporate data and provide capabilities
for analyzing the data.
• Application software services that provide enterprise-wide capabilities such as enterprise
resource planning, customer relationship management, supply chain management,
and knowledge management systems that are shared by all business units.
• Physical facilities management services that develop and manage the physical installations
required for computing, telecommunications, and data management services.
• IT management services that plan and develop the infrastructure, coordinate IT services
with the business units, manage accounting for IT expenditures, and provide project
management services.
• IT standards services that provide the firm and its business units with policies that
determine which information technology will be used, and where, when, how, and by
whom they will be used.