2.2 Dataset
Different data sources provide the necessary information to be used when conducting the analysis following the methodology described above. National agricultural investment plans provide an initial list of planned investments in the agriculture sector in selected countries with information about the corresponding investment costs and the targeted areas (investment size). The present analysis uses the dataset from the National Agriculture and Food Security Investment Plans (NAFSIPs) 2009-2013 developed under the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). NAFSIPs report data about the typology and size of planned investment and the corresponding (public) costs of the investments for each of these pillars. Expected (public) benefits in terms of annual climate change mitigation (carbon sequestered and GHG abated) in different climatic regions are expressed in units of CO2 equivalent per hectare and per year and have been estimated using a dataset of coefficients from IPCC (2007). Such estimates were derived from studies conducted in regions throughout the world, standardized using a linear mixed effect modeling approach and integrated by results of simulation models and represent average net mitigation through increase in the soil C stocks or N2O and CH4 emissions reductions (IPCC, 2007). Available data on expected (private) benefits of selected CSA investment options focus mainly on the crop productivity increase consequent to investment implementation. There is a wide existing literature which shows the impact of agriculture mitigation technologies on the productivity (average yield) of crops and pastures. Specifically, the present analysis makes use of a dataset reporting the evidence base of the yield effects of selected cropland management practices in different climatic areas of developing countries and resulting from an extensive literature review (Branca etal., 2013).