Application of the Bayer Cross is subject to rules regarding minimum sizes and the necessary clearance around it
The Bayer Cross must have a sufficient amount of clearance around it to achieve the best possible impact. It should be proportional to the item and well placed so that it is clearly visible. The recommended minimum clearance between the Bayer Cross, the edge and all other design elements is the diameter of one cross. If the size or other physical characteristics of the promotional itemsmean they cannot maintain the defined clearance around the Bayer Cross, a minimum clearance of up to 1/3 B may be used in these exceptional cases.
For promotional items the minimum size of the colored Bayer logo is also a cross diameter of at least 13 mm. The minimum size for the black-and-white logos is a cross diameter of 5 mm. No marking with a brand is permissible below a capital height of 5 mm.
If possible, the colored Bayer Cross should be used on all items. If this is not possible or practical for technical or other reasons, the black or white cross should be used.