Total rainfall amount for Sombor during vegetation period (April-October) was 744
mm. This amount is almost double related to multi annual average in Serbia which is 415 mm.
Average temperature is at the level of multi-annual average for that period. Rainfall amounts
recorded in Sombor for May and June were three times higher than multi annual average, while
in September the amount of rainfall was doubled (108 mm) related to multi annual average. In
July the amount of rainfall was at the level of 76% for this month. At the Sombor locality
during September air temperature was lower for 1°C related to multiannual average and it was
16°C. October was characterized with colder weather (temperature was for 2-3°C lower than
multiannual average) (RHMZ, 2010). The weather during vegetation period was very variable
and there are significant differences between amounts of rainfall.
F.moniliforme – disease development and spread are favored by dry warm weather.
Cool wet weather within three weeks of silking favors development of red ear rot caused by F.
graminearum (ALMAŠI et al., 2002). These authors also confirm there are clear differences in
corn hybrid susceptibility to causal agents of ear rots.
The moisture content in tested seed samples ranged from 18.45-20.15% (table 1).
Hybrid PR 34N43 has significant higher moisture content, than to other tested hybrids. Such
high percent of moisture in seed was caused by extremely wet weather in the period of harvest.
These values of moisture are significantly higher than maximum permitted for corn seed which
is 14% (Official gazette, 1987).