Interior Design works has become more
important than it used to be as the interior
works takes quite a big chuck in an overall
construction works. Nowadays, the clients
want to play bigger role in implementing the
interior task and eager to use or have the
green or sustainable building idea to be
implemented into their interior and also on
their exterior project. So, interior design
with sustainable factors has become more
Thus, we must look back into the
academic sectors where this field must play
an important role in producing the designers
especially the interior designer with fair
knowledge on environmental friendly designs
or in today term as design with sustainable
or green design factors. Therefore, with the
above goals, this research become an initial
platform trying to measure on the students
sensitivity in applying interior design
sustainable issues into their academic studio
projects. This study however will discuss on
design studio project that addresses
sustainability through an environmentally
based research focus.
Keywords: sustainable education - teaching
sustainable - sustainable interior -
sustainable design.