2) http://www.broker.edu/dicom2/object/objectid
Given that series and studies are actually sets of objects, they
can be fetched as a compressed file if the MIME requested is
application/zip. If the MIME type equals text/html, an HTML
file is returned with links to every object in the hierarchy. The
options used for resource retrieval are:
1) w, h: Width and height of the image (if not specified, the
original values are used).
2) interp (nn, bilinear, bicubic): Specifies the type of interpolation
to be used when scaling an image.
3) qlt: Quality factor for the image conversion.
4) frame: Accesses a specific framewhen we are dealingwith
multi-frame images.
Again, options not recognized are simply ignored. Once the
broker detects a resource request, it parses the URI parameters
and MIME type detecting the component responsible for the
resource. It is promptly verified whether the resource is cached.
Communication with the backend PACS is only established if
there is a cache miss (Fig. 6).