With regard to mango consumption in the European
Union, the greatest import market of Brazilian mangos,
an upward trend was perceived by nearly the unanimity
of the trade operators of the main mango import and
sales companies interviewed for this study. On the
other hand, it is important to mention that there was no
opinion favorable to its reduction – the only importer
who argued diversely from the group believes the trend
is for stability; another clear indication that among the
respondents there is no negative opinion regarding the
future behavior of the EU mango market.
The most common factors mentioned by the
respondents to explain the upward trend for mangos in the
European market are the year-round supply throughout
the distribution chain and their own company’s sales
performance. In reference to the first factor, the majority is
of the opinion that in the main consumer markets mangos
are progressively changing their image from that of an
exotic fruit to that of a fruit for consumers in general.
Respondents explain that in the last decade mangos were
sold only in the major supermarket chains and displayed
on shelves destined for exotic fruits whereas today the
fruit can be found in all fruit and vegetable retailers, from
gourmet shops to neighborhood greengrocers.
On the other hand, it was observed that the
very growth in sales volumes registered by these
respondents’ companies contributed to their optimistic
views on the evolution of that market. It is relevant
to say that the sales increase was observed by all
segments of the distribution chain, i.e., importers,
wholesalers, trade operators and supervisors of the
fruits sector in major supermarkets
With regard to mango consumption in the EuropeanUnion, the greatest import market of Brazilian mangos,an upward trend was perceived by nearly the unanimityof the trade operators of the main mango import andsales companies interviewed for this study. On theother hand, it is important to mention that there was noopinion favorable to its reduction – the only importerwho argued diversely from the group believes the trendis for stability; another clear indication that among therespondents there is no negative opinion regarding thefuture behavior of the EU mango market.The most common factors mentioned by therespondents to explain the upward trend for mangos in theEuropean market are the year-round supply throughoutthe distribution chain and their own company’s salesperformance. In reference to the first factor, the majority isof the opinion that in the main consumer markets mangosare progressively changing their image from that of anexotic fruit to that of a fruit for consumers in general.Respondents explain that in the last decade mangos weresold only in the major supermarket chains and displayedon shelves destined for exotic fruits whereas today thefruit can be found in all fruit and vegetable retailers, fromgourmet shops to neighborhood greengrocers.On the other hand, it was observed that thevery growth in sales volumes registered by theserespondents’ companies contributed to their optimisticviews on the evolution of that market. It is relevantto say that the sales increase was observed by allsegments of the distribution chain, i.e., importers,wholesalers, trade operators and supervisors of thefruits sector in major supermarkets
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