tNovel nanocomposites films were prepared from TEMPO-oxidized nanofibrillated cellulose isolated fromrice straw, chitosan nanoparticles (CHNP), and glycerol by solution casting. The percentage of chitosannanoparticles ranged from 2.5 to 20% while a fixed ratio of glycerol (25%) was added. The effect of chi-tosan nanoparticles on porosity, tensile strength properties, water vapor permeability, grease-proof, andantimicrobial properties was studied. The results showed that addition of chitosan nanoparticles canimprove tensile strength properties, reduce porosity, and impart NFC antimicrobial properties againstGram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus), Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli), and yeast (Sac-charomyces cervisiae). CHNP did not affect WVP or grease-proof properties of NFC films.The mixture containing CNF and 10% CHNP was used for paper coating and the effect of coating ontensile strength, porosity, water vapor permeability, water absorption, and grease-proof properties ofpaper sheets was studied. The results showed coating of paper sheets with thin film of NFC or NFC/CHNPcan improve tensile strength properties, decrease porosity and water absorption, and increase grease-proof properties of paper sheets but did not affect their WVP. Presence of CHNP in the coating mixtureresulted in higher tensile strength properties of coated paper sheets than in case of using NFC alone butno noticeable differences were found regarding porosity, WVP, grease proof, and water absorption ofpaper sheets coated with NFC or NFC/CHNP under the conditions used.