Bribery and corruption are significant risks in the oil and gas industry.
Our code of conduct requires that our employees or others working on
behalf of BP do not engage in bribery or corruption in any form, whether
in the public or private sector. We operate a group-wide anti-bribery and
corruption standard, which applies to all BP employees and contractor
staff. The standard requires annual bribery and corruption risk
assessments; risk-based due diligence on all parties with whom BP does
business; appropriate anti-bribery and corruption clauses in contracts; and
the training of personnel in anti-bribery and corruption measures. Our
processes are designed to enable us to choose suppliers carefully on
merit, avoiding conflicts of interest and inappropriate gifts and
We are working to respond effectively to the standards arising from
the UK Bribery Act as well as other anti-corruption legislation such as
the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and certain regulations promulgated
under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
(Dodd-Frank) in the US.