TheA ACc ommunicationsa reu sedd uringt hef lightp hasef or the cockpit management and fort hep assengers ervicess upport.
AAC messages are for example : Pax Seatplan, Flight log, Connecting gate, Aircraft crew rotation,A irshow,e tc... The table of Appendix 2 gives an idea of some AAC messages used by Lufthansa. This servicep resentsa na symmetricd ataf low: t he“ U p” f lowi sh ighert hant he“ D own” f low.
Just like the AOC messages, the AAC messages are equally passed through the ACARS system with a rate of 2.4 Kbps. The “U p” flow is estimated to 2.4 Kbps and the “D own” flowt o1 .2K pbs.