I thought that something was going on.
Fitts-senpai who had hired me was acting strange.
There was that abnormal weather event as well.
I got the feeling that the movements of the clouds were way too fast even for rain to fall.
Showers almost never fall in the winter.
There's the possibility that someone used magic.
No, but what did they intend to do by making it rain?
Maybe being a hindrance.
Who would?
That noble who princess Ariel was said to have stayed with?
For what reason?
Do they intend to try and assassinate Ariel?
Maybe they think Fitts-senpai is a hindrance for that sake.
No, if that were the case then they wouldn't make rain fall, some other kind of thing would have been better, spears for example.
I wonder if Fitts-senpai has realized it.
It seems like she hasn't realized it, but she's still strangely calm.
I guess it means that this amount of hindrance was within her expectations.
No, then, she would have said we might be obstructed from the start.
Or else maybe she wants to assassinate me.
If that's the case then the other day, she would have done it at the time when she came to my room.
I wonder what's going on.
While worrying I prepared the fire to try and dry out our wet clothes faster.
I thought something like this might happen so I already had prepared some firewood for the sake of a fire.
It's possible to maintain a fire with just fire magic, but if you have firewood it's more comfortable.
During the time when a monster might appear, it wouldn't be good if you had to light the fire again.
At night you would lose the light as well.
I placed the firewood and started the fire.
After confirming that the fire was stable, I took off my winter clothes.
The winter clothes were soaking wet, the exterior was frozen.
Underneath the winter clothes I was wearing my usual grey robe, but this was soaked as well.
Just going off by the sensation, but I'm sure it's soaked all the way to my underwear.
For the time being, my underwear are fine since I have a change of clothes, but I need to dry my robe and the winter clothes first.
I used wind magic and water techniques to evaporate it in an instant.
Just, if you try to remove all the moisture from it, the cloth will be damaged, so it's done in moderation.
I made a clothes drying rack with earth magic and hung it there to dry.
The same with the clothes I was wearing underneath my robe.
I had gotten down to my underwear, so I went to the fire to warm up my body.
It's still cold.
I used earth magic to create a wall and sealed off the entrance of the cave.
If I completely sealed it off we might suffer from carbon monoxide poisoning, so I created a crevice in the ceiling.
Now then, what to do about my underwear.
As expected it's not like I can strip them off in front of Fitts-senpai.
And then I suddenly looked at her.
Fitts-senpai was trembling while holding her own shoulders.
She had removed her winter clothes, but she was still wearing the mantle and things below that.
If it continues like that she'll catch a cold.
"Dry it?"
Wouldn't it be better to dry it off?
Is how I asked but I shut my mouth.
Fitts-senpai is a female that looks like a boy.
Not to mention, she's hiding her identity.
It's not like she can just strip in front of me.
However, continuing like this is no good.
I wonder what can be done.
"Wh..what is it!?"
She responded with a somewhat loud voice.
It seems Fitts-senpai has realized the current situation as well.
She has no choice other than to strip, but she can't just strip, that kind of situation.
Therefore, she's cautious about being exposed.
This is no good.
I should read the mood.
"In the past I heard from a girl acquaintance of mine, that it's a taboo for other races to see elves naked. I'll turn my back and keep my eyes shut, so during that time please use magic to dry your clothes."
Fitts-senpai made a surprised voice.
I'm sure. I've never heard a story of such a taboo.
If there were such a taboo out there, then Elinalise's existence itself would be a taboo. A walking taboo.
However, if I show it like this, that I have mistaken knowledge, then I think it should work in Fitts-senpai's favor.
I slowly turned and faced the other way then closed my eyes.
And then listened closely.
At least, I want to imagine Fitts-senpai stripping behind me, I'll enjoy just the sound.