Global assignments and careers
Global or expatriate assignments address a period of time during which an employee
lives and works for his/her employer temporarily abroad. During the past years, various
types of global assignments have emerged, including short-term, extended, longerterm,
and non-standard arrangements: commuter, rotator, contractual, virtual, and
self-initiated assignments (Dowling, Festing, & Engle, 2013). In addition, the specific
situation of frequent travelers, or so-called ‘flexpatriates,’ has been discussed in this
context. In this special issue, we look at alternative examples of international assignments,
namely, foreign executives in local organisations (FELOs), as well as international
business travelers, and the determinants of working abroad and creating a global
Global assignments and careersGlobal or expatriate assignments address a period of time during which an employeelives and works for his/her employer temporarily abroad. During the past years, varioustypes of global assignments have emerged, including short-term, extended, longerterm,and non-standard arrangements: commuter, rotator, contractual, virtual, andself-initiated assignments (Dowling, Festing, & Engle, 2013). In addition, the specificsituation of frequent travelers, or so-called ‘flexpatriates,’ has been discussed in thiscontext. In this special issue, we look at alternative examples of international assignments,namely, foreign executives in local organisations (FELOs), as well as internationalbusiness travelers, and the determinants of working abroad and creating a globalcareer.
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