We have to feedback and discuss with AIS on Monday afternoon. Let me summarise for you the message we will deliver on Monday.
OSP: with 2 options
1. Nokia proposes that AIS continue the PAYG frame agreement for the additional OSP network. No payment for add’l SP or cable. AIS will just commit Last Mile according to new add’l area.
2. Nokia would like to follow the frame agreement with some added conditions “AIS will pay up to 250 ports”. This means that we still collect OSP price per port as in same terms but AIS will pay for the expansion as built, referring to the Phase3 BoQ/SKU.
Last Mile: Break away
1. Nokia would like to follow the frame agreement with some added conditions
2. AIS can utilize the committed Last Mile of Phase 1.1-2.2 on any areas and any Phases.
3. In case, Dealers agree to work under Nokia, the normal term will be applied. In case that Dealers do not want to work under Nokia, will allow those Dealers to do work E2E in Nokia’s PAYG areas with the same amount that Nokia LM PO have been used outside the areas.
I’m sure my explanation is pretty confusing. Let’s meet on Monday morning so I can give u a summary properly. I will send invite.