Its research agenda focuses primarily on geo politics and strategic developments in the Arab world and surrounding regions. As a think-tank extension of the Al Jazeera Network, the center endeavors to con¬duct research and build relevant, insight¬ful, and in-depth knowledge for the entire organization.
Managing this successful and growing brand portfolio is no easy proposition, but Al Jazeera has been more than up to the task. What ties it all together? Al Jazeera has been building relations with people during the years. That's it: Al Jazeera has not dealt with Arabs as audiences, but as its "people." It has em-powered them to express their opinions, send messages, join online forums and chats, post videos, and build the new brand identity of the channel all together. People feel proximity with Al Jazeera, and the new media have played a big role in this.
Al Jazeera's future projects include pro-gramming in other languages, such as Al Jazeera Urdu, an Urdu-language channel to cater mainly to Pakistani market and possibly