The lilt to make the students to learn the language by being able to say a sentence. Instead of saying a word The spacing is correct, natural rhythm.
Rationale and a problem statement
Reading is an important tool in learning and makes us recognize news and various events in everyday life. Reading is a factor that we have to learn and improve themselves. Reading is also very important for young people who are developing in various aspects. So for the children, reading is a basic skill to learn things. But in nowadays, the most Thai students rarely read English book because they think it is difficult to understand. They only can read it but cannot recognize the details. From this problem found that Thai students lack of knowledge of the vocabulary and language structure that enough to understand the story. In addition, they also do not have a good attitude and motivated to learn English. From this reason, makes them feel disgusted and can't see the benefits of reading and as a result, the reading achievement down. In reading teaching, the fairy tale book is an effective learning media because it often has an interesting story, vocabulary and simple sentence, which is a good example of a sentence. In addition, it is also a learning media that make the reader was fun. Fairy tale book is the media that help promote reading well because it stimulates the appetite to read, encouraged to develop language skills, and increase vocabulary and imagination. However, selection of fairy tale should be appropriate level of language ability of students to help students move up easily and are encouraged to read and read more. Besides an appropriate alternative content, Emotional state of learning is one important factor for reading. For example, if students are motivated to learn and have less anxiety, students will learn well.
In this research, we bring fairy tale book to use in reading teaching by preparing students in vocabulary and grammar in order to read and encourages learners to link between old and new knowledge. Fairy tale book has many benefits so we use a lot benefit of fairy tale book to enhance the ability of reading and vocabulary knowledge of students in primary 6, who are interested in the exciting story.