some exercise
1. In a large bowl put the countries, languages and beat on high speed while slowly pouring the work, then heat the mixture in a saucepan for 20min and add a pinch of crazyness
2. While waiting, In a large bowl depending on the mood, you may choose to put the parties or the home sweet home. So add the lazyness with the latter or some crazyness with the former.
3. In a baking pan pour the 1st mixture, cover with a layer of experience, then pour the 2nd mixture and cover with another layer of experience.
4. In a large bowl pour the games, movies and series and beat on high speed while adding the humour and the paternity seed. Heat for 10min then pour into the baking pan and add the last layer of experience.
5. As for the last layer I let you make your own mix but handle the Love and the naugthyness with a lot of care! You may not want to waste it...
6. Now put the baking pan in an oven at 250°C for 5 hours
7. The cake is now ready, just put the strawberry on it ;)