It was revealed that the was recorded in Figure 2b. The overproduction of lipids
biosynthesis and accumulation of lipids of C. vulgaris was significantly increased with increasing the level of
was maximally recorded to 54.9 % of CDW as nitrate salinity to 0.45 mM where the maximum lipid content was
deprives to the level of 0.1 mM after 12 days of recorded (43.2 % of CDW) after 12 days of incubation.
incubation. This value was about two folds more than As indicated from the present results, salinity is a feasible
the corresponding control. On the other hand, the lipid tool for the overproduction of lipids which was coinciding
content of C. vulgaris was inhibited to 9.8 % of CDW with inhibition of the growth. Stimulation of lipid
after 12 days of incubation at high sodium nitrate production under salt stress is common in plants as well
concentration (5 mM). These results are in agreement with as in algae [35, 37, 38, 39]. Walsby [21] suggested that the
those obtained by Illman et al. [30], who recorded lipid increases in lipid content under hypertonic conditions