On June 8, 2000 the FCC adopted the Report and Order ET docket 99-255 creating the WMTS for wireless medical telemetry (FCC, 2000). Under the WMTS, for the first time, medical telemetry has primary status and all of the regulatory protections that go with this status. This means that other transmitters that interfere with WTMS equipment will be in violation of the FCC rules and could face regulatory penalties. In addition,the WMTS will be overseen by the WTMS frequency coordinator, who isresponsible for maintaining a database of the use of these frequencies and for facilitating sharing of these frequencies among hospital users and the remaining government operations at protected government sites. Users of WMTS are licensed by rule so that individual licenses are not required; instead, the WMTS users are expected to share the frequencies and to utilize the coordination within their locales. Authorized users of WMTS include authorized health care personnel, health care facilities, and trained technicians under the control of the health care facility. The FCC has chosen to define health care provider facilities as essentially 24-hour-type care facilities, with specific exclusions for mobile or home use.