This one time, I was sitting my finals. They were supposed to start at ten in the morning. Well, I didn't want to be late, so I arrived about thirty minute early.
Uh-huh. Did you see anyone from class?
No, I didn't see a soul. So, I decided to get a coffee while I was waiting.
And then what happened?
Well, I wandered over to cafe and ordered my coffee. And then while I was Drinking my coffee,
I glanced at the clock, and I realized that it was already eleven!
Oh no.
Oh, yes. So, I ran to the test venue, but they wouldn't let me in. Anyway to cut a long story short,
I had to retake the course!
How terrible! Did you not notice you watch had stopped?
No. So, you can imagine how I felt!
Pretty embarrassed, I'd imagine!
Yeah, embarrassed and foolish!