In most homes today, we can expect to find at least one television set. Some of the more affluent homes have more than one. A television set is no longer considered a luxury, as it has become a part of modern living.
The benefits of television are manifold. As a means of communication, there is virtually nothing to match it. We can watch a football match thousands of miles away with a mere flick of a switch, in full colour and with high fidelity sound. News that would have taken months to travel from one place to another now takes just a fraction of a second to reach in its original state, minus the factor of distorting human messengers. The impact of this improved communication on our lives is indeed great. We are not only better informed of current events all over the world but we are also exposed to a multitude of different cultures and ways of life. Never before did we have to face such a huge onslaught of information. In this context, when used with discretion, television can provide us with much knowledge, but when used carelessly, it can reduce us to non-thinking entities.