Drivers may be allowed to use cell phones in traffic jams but they must be fined if they use a cell phone while driving at moderate or high speeds, at crossroads, and on twisting and turning roads. Can you do without using your cell phone while driving? The use of cell phones may result in a driver's slower reaction while breaking or regaining speed. It may cause accidents but it may be a coincidence with some other action. So, the use of cell phone is not desirable because it involves a driver in a multi-task activity while driving.
Cell phones are life-threatening means of communication while driving. To be on the safe side, it would be fine to ban the use of cell phones while driving.
Serves as a distraction from your surroundings
Talking on your phone serves as a major distraction. You're focusing on holding your phone to your ear, listening to the conversation, and managing your car all at once. Therefore, it's understandable that you're less likely to remember or identify buildings or landmarks. If you're not paying attention, you could miss a turn or not see something coming out into the road. This can be incredibly dangerous.
to sum up