1)We offer a no quibble 30 day money back guarantee for all goods shipped correctly that are not required. If the item is not required, please send the item back for a full refund in its original condition, unused with its original packaging. The buyer will be responsible for all return postage costs for the return. 2) For items which are faulty on receipt, please notify us within 14 days by e-mail through Ebay only. We will then issue you with a return number for reference and that should be quoted on all future correspondence. We will refund the return minimal postage costs for sending the items back to us, usually second class post if the item is confirmed as faulty. 3) In the unlikely event that a wrong item is received, please return the item to us within 7 days of receipt and we will send the correct item free of charge and all return costs will be covered. Please send using the minimal; postage costs for returning the item, usually second class post.
1)We offer a no quibble 30 day money back guarantee for all goods shipped correctly that are not required. If the item is not required, please send the item back for a full refund in its original condition, unused with its original packaging. The buyer will be responsible for all return postage costs for the return. 2) For items which are faulty on receipt, please notify us within 14 days by e-mail through Ebay only. We will then issue you with a return number for reference and that should be quoted on all future correspondence. We will refund the return minimal postage costs for sending the items back to us, usually second class post if the item is confirmed as faulty. 3) In the unlikely event that a wrong item is received, please return the item to us within 7 days of receipt and we will send the correct item free of charge and all return costs will be covered. Please send using the minimal; postage costs for returning the item, usually second class post.
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