This study produced several important results. These are discussed below.
The posttest mean score of the students’ English speaking abilities was significantly higher than the pretest one after the employing the three communicative activities,discussion, problem-solving, and role-playing. Characteristics of the activities may have encouraged interaction among the students in the language classroom. This could afford opportunity for language practice. The teacher arranged for language functions such as asking for directions, ordering food and beverages, talking on the telephone, and making an appointment with doctors. These types of activities can afford students experience using the language for real communication. This idea was consistent with [8] where they proposed that the learner should know the purpose of speaking, what to speak, with whom, and where to speak, and how to use appropriate language. In this study, the contents of the language through the three activities were carefully selected to suit the syllabus, the learners’ age and language level, and to create challenges for the learners to gain experience.
Teaching English speaking skills using the three communicative activities is a learning method focusing on the learner-centeredness. Students work in small groups divided by their language proficiency, i.e., high, medium, and low levels. Using this technique, students can have an opportunity to work together providing help to others while performing the activity. The atmosphere in working in groups can lessen their fear in making mistakes when speaking English. Students in the group can support others in the team needing help. They can express themselves successfully while working in groups. This can lead to self monitoring, more confidence in speaking, and enjoyment can encourage them to participate more in learning. The results of this study supported the effectiveness of these three communicative activities in developing English speaking skills. Reference [9] conducted a study of development of English speaking skills using two communicative activities, Information-gap and Role- playing. The samples were 38 second-year Business English students of Udon Thani Rajabhat Institute in Thailand. The results of the study revealed that the students’ English speaking skills were significantly higher after using these two communicative activities. Students’ intensive interaction was effective in developing speaking English proficiency.
Moreover, it can be seen from the current study that division into small groups (groups of four) promoted that students’ confidence in producing the language as a result of their language proficiency. Students have been trained in using the language functions appropriately. Therefore they could successfully develop themselves using these three activities. This is supported by [10]. In conducting a communicative activity, the context should be focused on meaning not the form. While the students are involved in an activity, there should be no teacher intervention. Students can practice using the language among their group members. Group of four are the most effective[11].
The students’ attitude towards teaching English speaking skills using the three communicative activities was rated as good. This may result from having been provided adequate language functions in situations that occur in real communication leading to their confidence in speaking the language. They felt satisfied with their speaking English when using these three communicative activities. The process of teaching and learning helped creating enjoyment in speaking English in small groups. The feelings of success in learning to speak English through the three activities establish their motivation to learn the language.