„Chang Sheng palace?” Xuanyuan hear [words/that], the heart jumps, recalls all the way, ‚Chang Sheng immortal potential’ occupies several hundred li (0.5km), is extremely enormous and powerful, huge ‚under Chang Sheng immortal potential’ covers, named ‚the Chang Sheng palace’ but actually is also fair.
„‚Is the Chang Sheng palace’ what place?”
„In antique, handyman in buddhist temple, named ‚Chang Sheng handyman in buddhist temple’, he is ‚Yuhua Dao Sect’ founder passes on the disciple, the strength is extraordinary, endures to compare the Heavenly Emperor character, this ‚the Chang Sheng palace’ and ‚does the Chang Sheng handyman in buddhist temple’ have what relations?” In the pig Heavenly Emperor pupil cannot conceal shocking, muttered, obviously he has not seen this ‚the Chang Sheng handyman in buddhist temple’, all were also only its guess.
Xuanyuan one line of arrive at ‚the Chang Sheng palace’ before palace wall, looks on the palace wall vice- by the person's big magical powers by the stone picture that carve, above has the Human Race war antique alien race, there is Human Race to resist Heaven Dao, Human Race spends together the disaster hand in hand, the epidemic disease, the flood, the earthquake, all kinds of pictures, the pen walks Snakes, iron picture silver hook, lifelike, just likes real, because of the attack of years, the pictures on some palace walls, the part of decencies was just fuzzy, somewhat could not see clearly.
The Xuanyuan heart has a feeling, closes both eyes, with handling gently is caressing on the palace wall the traces of these portrays, under scratches by Shenao, feels one to interwine with Heaven Dao sympathetic chord, just likes oneself portrays the potential mark to be the same, by own will spirit, sensibility world Great Dao is ordinary.
Even if these Shi Hua have to contain the mystery of topography, but each portray is the mysterious path, above elaborated that this type regarding antique ten thousand springs up in a throng the understanding that extinguishes, one type regarding the sensibility of world Great Dao, making the human profit infinitely.
Before this ‚the Chang Sheng palace’, Xuanyuan felt that he becomes so tiny, in the face of the history, all became too not worthy of mentioning, Xuanyuan was built on Shi Huaqian as if from these pictures, saw surely the soldiers and horses, the shocking war cry, the corpse on the ground 1 million, the blood stream emersion, the beacon-fire rocket, killed the trim world to change colors, was elaborating in ten thousand clan coexistent ages, that type the imposing manner of going on an expedition the world!
That is the time that a King rallies together, is the huge prosperous times of Dou Qi world, is the life most prosperous time, has various antique clan Saint ancestors, the god king, has Human Race Heavenly Emperor to be everywhere, they surface, kills one piece to struggle to ask the place of saving in this Dou Qi world!
„Xuanxuan, what are you thinking?” Qian Duoduo looks that the Xuanyuan look immerses, infatuated in, felt that Xuanyuan is possibly confused by the trace that these stones marked, because he looked for three days three nights, was motionless, Qian Duoduo by «numerous metallic treasure amassing great immortal technique» in ‚awaking immortal sound’ said one.
Xuanyuan was given to awaken by a Qian Duoduo summon, as if wakes up from the dream, in an instant, yes what's the matter, has been startled cold sweat, his heart relaxed, says with a smile:
„When the stone picture on this palace wall, there is an ancestors portray, with sensibility that Heaven Dao interweaves, unknowingly made the human immerse, had been lucky money girl, otherwise, the date and time, possibly me could not hear long ago!”
Xuanyuan looks at not far away, many new corpses, they afterward entered to here person, obviously is also receives this Shi Hua attraction, Xuanyuan even saw that some people stand before the stone picture, it can be imagined, in this Shi Hua is containing the big charm, these fight the person who kills the magical powers regarding the practice, possibly is only a picture is so simple, but regarding practicing the potential technique, or the Stone Technique person, is actually the extremely rare treasure, can enter to ‚profound cold mountain territory’ in person, the strength will not be low, particularly attainments in potential technique, compared with. Xuanyuan is not only weak, otherwise, they are unable to enter here.
Walks, Xuanyuan discovered that actually many topography had been explained that perhaps otherwise, wants, is not easy.