Annual leave: According to misinforming training slides used in the orientation training, workers are required to use their annual leave within the year without being able to transfer any unused leaves to the next year. However, this is violating local law stating that annual leave should be either transferred to the next year if unused or should be compensated at the end of the year. Employees are not informed that they will be paid for their unused annual leave days when they resign and workers were unaware about the right to claim compensation for their unused annual leave.
The factory does not have a written procedure for the position allowance (compensation for additional tasks); it is solely based on supervisors’ individual judgment, rather than clearly defined objective criteria.
According to local law, the factory has to hire a full-time Safety Officer to be the responsible personnel for Health & Safety; however, the factory’s Safety Officer is only hired on a part-time basis.
The risk assessment report does not include the severity and probability of identified hazards and risks.
The responsible persons assigned for chemical emergencies in the emergency preparedness plan are defined as the head of the unit and head of the division, but there are no details regarding the department/unit the plan referred to. Furthermore, according to records of the latest training on chemical emergency preparedness plan dated September 12, 2015, only 4 workers from the raw material storage and Quality Control QC departments attended this training.