Oversight: The EPF Board will assign a Technical Committee (TC) to ensure that the
subprojects are in line with the GoL policy and agreements with WB for LENS2. The TC will be
chaired by the Executive Director of EPFO and comprised at least senior managers from key planning
agencies MoNRE, MAF, and Ministry of Finance (MOF). The TC will review sub-project proposals,
reports and plans as well as provide recommendations for approval to the EPF Board. The EPF Board
meets regularly twice a year (every six months in general) to review and approve all EPF matters
including approval of Annual Reports and Annual Work plan and Budget (AWPB) of LENS2. At the
provincial level, given a larger size of the potential subprojects, it has been agreed with the province
that a Subproject Steering Committee (SPSC)will be established for LENS2 to ensure effective and
timely implementation of the subprojects and facilitate synergy and complimentary with other related
projects and/or activities in the province. For the subprojects that trigger environment and social safeguards and/or involve local communities and/or ethnic groups, the subproject activities will be
carried out according to the process and criteria described in the ESMF and CEF. Box 1.2 presents
organization arrangement at project and subproject levels