She was unsure for her date. On physical investigation, the prolapsed right arm (cyanosed) was seen outside of the vagina without cord pulsation, cervical dilatation was 7cm, and finally the neglected shoulder presentation was observed (Figure 1). Upon ultrasound examination, no fetal heart activity was seen, the placenta had landed in the posterior part of the uterus, and the estimated fetal birth weight was 3000g. The patient did not receive adequate prenatal care during pregnancy. Her medical history was unremarkable. At first, an attempt to take out the dead fetus by usinginternal podalic version and breech extraction was made, but this manip- ulation was inefficient. Decapitation was not chosen as a treatment option due to the clinician’s insufficient experience andlackofproperinstrumentsforthisaggressiveoperation. Consequently, a caesarean section with low vertical incision was preferred as an alternative treatment method and a 2950g, male, dead fetus were delivered. Prophylactic broad spectrum antibioticswere used to prevent uterine septicemia. No complications were recorded during the intraoperative and postoperative periods. The woman was discharged two days after the operation without any complication.