1,Free 3 chance training for each person daily, VIP can purchase more, upgrade VIP to increase daily purchase times.
2,Real time training to get Diamond rewards, different rewards based on the training result.
3,Real time training to get battlefield EXP, more chips gained if real time exercise battlefield level up.
4,Extra rewards for all members on every Monday according to highest score of the training.
5,Reset training name list everyday,upgrade Guild to increase namelist limit.
Rewards for training is:
Military Medal Level 1:Large amount of chips
Mitaliry Medal Level 2:Large amount of chips
Military Medal Level 3:Large amount of chips
Military Medal Level 4:Average amount of chips
Military Medal Level 5:Average amount of chips
Military Medal Level 6:Average amount of chips
Military Medal Level 7:Low amount of chips
Military Medal Level 8:Low amount of chips
Military Medal Level 9:Low amount of chips