"What about your husband?"
"What about him? He has no clue about anything and I do mean anything." She put the cigarette out and took out her organizer.
"He's got a big meeting downtown and he won't be back to the Hills until a week from now, but who cares. I got people to see and places to
"You gonna tell me that rich cracker gives you all that shit and money then don't give a shit what you do?"
"I got him wrapped around my finger, lover. Just like I got you." With that she gave him a very generous tongue bathing with her
mouth to his. It was disgusting to watch, but Ethan did anyway interested in how the lovers interacted. The man was clearly pussy whipped
with Lynne just like his brother and the other men she slept with. He was glad that he had awakened to smell the bullshit Lynne dealt out
and it didn't small pretty at all.
"You want some more?" he asked amazed.
She went over to her purse to fix her lipstick. "Later, I got to spend some of my husband's money, then I'll be back later to say hello
to the old bat."
Ethan ducked when he saw her coming to the window.
"When you come back baby, I'll be already for you," Marvin promised following her to the window.
He pressed his large body against the house praying she didn't look down as she opened the window to air out the smoke and the smell of
sex. He didn't move until he heard their footsteps move away from the window, and then he ran to the back, leaped over the fence. His long
thick legs carried him down the alley in a hurry.
He was so intent on getting back to the car; he didn't see the person coming up the alley to duck into it. They bumped so hard into
each other; Ethan fell back on his butt hard. When he was able to gain his balance and stand up he looked around to where the other body
had fallen. It was a female he bumped and when he looked down at her, he gasped not believing he was looking into a younger more
beautiful version of Lynne.
She scrambled up and took his hand pulling him to the side of the garage belonging to the first house on her corner. A car was
coming towards them, but before he could look to see if it was Lynne the girl was pulling his face down to kisses her.
The feel of her lips against his was a rush to his system, the thrill of her sweet innocent taste on the tip of his tongue made him
forget where he was and the cold biting at his ears. Her fingers moved up his nape and wrapped in his hair as she deepened the kiss
parting her lips and inviting his own tongue in to taste him. The soft moan escaped her throat, as he pressed closer against her inviting body
wrapping his arms around her slim waist. She teasingly licked at the corners of his mouth creating a totally new sensation for him arousing
his manhood to come alive.
The feel of his arousal against her stomach, must have made her aware first of their surroundings, because she broke the kiss
breathlessly trying to push him away.
Reluctantly, he let her go. "What the hell did you do that for?"
"My mother was coming around the corner," she explained. "I didn't want her to see me and I didn't know what else to do." She
looked him up and down. "You aren't from around here are you?"
He wiped his mouth as if the taste of her disgusted him. "That's none of your fucking business," he sneered.
"If kissing me was that bad, why didn't you stop it?"
"Shut your mouth little girl."
"You're the one out of your neighborhood, cracker." She started walking away from her home.