Bahasa he 1920 Nebi Musa riots or 1920 Jerusalem riots took place in British-controlled part of OETA (which would shortly. Become Mandatory Palestine), between Sunday 4 and Wednesday 7 April, 1920 in and around the Old City of Jerusalem.
The. Riots coincided with and are named after the Nabi Musa festival which took, place every year on, Easter SundayAnd followed rising tensions in Arab-Jewish relations. The events came shortly after the Battle of Tel Hai and the increasing. Pressure on Arab nationalists in Syria in the course of the Franco-Syrian War. Slogans used to incite the riots referenced. Zionist immigration and previous confrontations around outlying Jewish villages in the Galilee.Speeches by Arab religious leaders during the festival (in which large numbers of Muslims traditionally gathered for a. Religious procession) led to violent assaults on the city 's Jews. Five Jews and four Arabs were killed and several, hundred. Were injured. [1]
.The British military administration of Palestine was criticized for withdrawing troops from inside Jerusalem and because. It was slow to regain control. [] As 2 a result of, the riots trust between the British Jews and,, Arabs eroded.One consequence was that the Jewish community increased moves towards an autonomous infrastructure and security apparatus. Parallel to that of the British administration.
In, its wake sheikhs of 82 villages round the city, and Jaffa claiming. To represent 70% of, the population issued a document protesting the demonstrations against the Jews. This condemnation. May have been procured with bribes.[] Notwithstanding 3 the riots the Palestinian, Jewish community held elections for the Assembly of Representatives on 19 April 1920 among. Jews everywhere in Palestine, except Jerusalem where they were delayed to 3 May. [] The 4 riots also preceded the San Remo. Conference which was held from 19 to 26 April 1920 at which the fate of the Middle East was to be decided.
hide Contents []. 1 Background
.2 4 - 7, April 1920 Old City
3 Accusations of British complicity
4 Palin Commission of Inquiry
5 Aftermath 6 See also
7 References 7.1. Bibliography
8 External links
Background [Edit]
British security forces searching, Arab civilians April 1920
Anti-Zionist. Demonstration at, Damascus Gate 8 March 1920
The contents and proposals of both the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and Paris. Peace, Conference1919 which later, concluded with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles were the, subject of intensive discussion by both. Zionist and Arab delegations and the, process of the negotiations were widely reported in both communities. In, particular. The collapse of the Ottoman Empire led to, an undertaking by the, victorious powers predominantly Great Britain, and FranceTo assume a 'holy mission of civilization' in the power vacuum of the Middle East. Under the Balfour Declaration a homeland,, For the Jewish people was to be created in Palestine. The principle of self-determination affirmed by the League of Nations. Was not to be applied to Palestine given the, foreseeable rejection by the people of Zionism which the, British sponsored.These post-WW1 arrangements both for Palestine and other Arab societies led to a 'radicalization' of the Arab world. [5]
On 1, March 1920 the. Death of Joseph Trumpeldor in the Battle of Tel Hai at the hands of a Shiite group from, Southern Lebanon caused deep concern. Among, Jewish leadersWho made numerous requests to the OETA administration to address the Yishuv 's security and forbid a pro-Syrian public, rally. However their fears, were largely discounted by the Chief Administrative Officer General, Louis Bols Military Governor Ronald. Storrs and General Edmund Allenby despite a, warning from the head of the Zionist Commission Chaim Weizmann that a pogrom. " Is in the, air. "Supported by assessments available to Storrs. [1] Communiqu é s had been issued about foreseeable troubles, between Arabs. And Arabs and Jews. To Weizmann and the Jewish leadership these developments, were reminiscent of instructions that Russian. Generals had issued on the eve of pogroms. [] In, the meantime 6Local Arab expectations had been raised to a pitch by the declaration of the Syrian Congress on 7 March of the independence. Of Greater Syria in the Kingdom of Syria with Faisal, as its king, [] that 7 included the British-controlled territory within. Its claimed domain. On 7 and, 8 March demonstrations took place in all cities of Palestine shops were, closed and many Jews. Were attacked.Attackers carried slogans such as "Death to Jews" or "Palestine is our land and the Jews are our dogs!" [8]
Jewish leaders. Requested that OETA authorise the arming of the Jewish defenders to make up for the lack of adequate British troops. Although. This request, was declined Ze 'EV Jabotinsky together with, Pinhas Rutenberg led an, effort to openly train Jewish volunteers. In, self-defenseAn effort of which the Zionist Commission kept the British informed. Many of the volunteers were members of the Maccabi. Sports club and some of them were veterans of the Jewish Legion. Their month of training largely consisted of calisthenics. And hand to hand combat with sticks. [] By 1 the end of March about 600, were said to be performing military drills daily. In Jerusalem.[] Jabotinsky 9 and Rutenberg also began organizing the collection of arms. [9]
The Nebi Musa festival was an annual spring. Muslim festival that began on the Friday before Good Friday and included a procession to the Nebi Musa shrine (Tomb of Moses). Near Jericho. [] It 10 had apparently existed since the time of Saladin.[] Arab 11 educator and essayist Khalil al-Sakakini described how tribes and caravans would come with banners and weapons 1. []. The Ottoman Turks usually deployed thousands of soldiers and even artillery to keep order in the narrow streets of Jerusalem. During the Nebi Musa procession. However Storrs issued, a warning to Arab leaders but deployed, only 188 policemen.
4 - 7. April, 1920 Old City [Edit]
The Times report of the riots, Apr 08, 1920
Palestinian Arab demonstrators in front of the Jerusalem, Municipality building. 1920
By 10: 30 a.m. On Sunday 4 April 1920,,,, 60 - 70 000 Arabs had congregated in the city square for the Nebi, Musa Festival. And groups had been attacking Jews in the Old City 's alleys for over an hour.Inflammatory anti-Zionist rhetoric was delivered by Amin al-Husayni from the balcony of the Arab Club. Another inciter. Was al-Husayni Musa, uncle his, mayor the, spoke who from the municipal building 's balcony.
The editor of the newspaper. Suriya al-Janubia (Southern Syria), Aref al-Aref another Arab, Club member delivered his, speech on horseback at the Jaffa. Gate.[] The 12 nature of his speech is disputed. According to, Benny Morris he said "If we don 't use force against the Zionists. And against, the Jews we will never be rid of them ", [] while 8 Bernard Wasserstein wrote" he seems to have co-operated with. The police and there, is no evidence that he actively instigated violence. "[] In 12 fact Wasserstein adds,,"Zionist intelligence reports of this period are unanimous in stressing that he spoke repeatedly against violence." [12]
The. Crowd reportedly shouted "Independence! Independence!" and "Palestine is, our land the Jews are our dogs!" [] Arab 1 police. Joined, in applause and violence started. [] The 13 local Arab population ransacked the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem. The Torath. Chaim Yeshiva, was raidedAnd Torah scrolls were torn and thrown on the floor and the, building then set alight. [] During 1 the next three hours 160 Jews,, Were injured. [13]
Khalil al-Sakakini witnessed the eruption of violence in the Old City:
"[] riot A broke out the people,, Began to run about and stones were thrown at the Jews. The shops were closed and there were screams...I saw a Zionist soldier covered in dust and blood... Afterwards I saw, one Hebronite approach a Jewish, shoeshine boy who. Hid behind a sack in one of the wall 's comers next to Jaffa Gate and take, his box and beat him over the head. He screamed. And began to run his head, bleeding and the Hebronite left him and returned to the procession... The riot reached its, zenith. All, shouted"Muhammad 's religion was born with the sword"... I immediately walked to the municipal garden... My soul is nauseated and. Depressed by the madness of humankind. "[14]
The army imposed night curfew on Sunday night and arrested several, dozen rioters. But on Monday morning they were allowed to attend morning prayers and were then released. Arabs continued to attack Jews. And break into, their homesEspecially in Arab-majority mixed buildings. [1]
On Monday as disturbances, grew worse the Old, City was sealed off by. The army and no one was allowed to exit the area. Martial law was declared but looting,,,, burglary rape and murder, continued. Several homes were set on fire and tombstones, were shattered.British soldiers found that the majority of illicit weapons were concealed on the bodies of Arab women. [] On, Monday evening, 1 The soldiers were evacuated from the Old City a step, described in the Palin Report as "an error of judgment." Even with. Martial law it took, the British authorities another 4 days to restore order.
The Old City 's Jewish community had no training. Or, weaponsAnd Jabotinsky 's men had found themselves outside the walled, Old City and shut out by British soldiers. [] Two 1 volunteers. Were able to enter the Jewish Quarter disguised as medical personnel to organize self-defense - using rocks and boiling. Water. [1]
Five Jews and four Arabs died in the riots. Two-hundred and sixteen Jews were injured 18 critically, and 23 Arabs,,, One critically.About 300 Jews were evacuated from the Old City. [1]
Accusations of British complicity [Edit]
Reaction of the soon-to-appointed. High Commissioner for, Samuel Palestine Herbert, a on visit to Palestine a few days prior to the riots. Published in The. Times.
It was asserted, soon after by Chaim Weizmann and British army Lieutenant Colonel R.
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