As Saiyans have become more and more prominent throughout the franchise, one glaring aspect has been how little we get to see of female Saiyan warriors. Sure, in GT there are Bulla and Pan, but Vegeta’s daughter shows no interest in fighting, while Pan never really gets to take center stage when she oddly can’t even turn into a Super Saiyan. There have been female Saiyans in the movies, despite those stories being regarded as non-canon, but that’s about it.
It was always odd that Goku was never more inquisitive about his parents, especially after Raditz showed up with the revelation that Goku was not even a human. But we the viewers got to learn about Goku’s father Bardock over time, even though his mother still remained a mystery. That finally changed in 2014 when the bonus manga Dragon Ball Minus explored the backstory of Goku being sent to Earth, and gave us our first look at his mother Gine, who turned out to not even enjoy being a warrior.