1. The analysis phase aimed to understand all related content and details that could be presented in the instruction and
to re-order the contents for better learning.
The Brainstorm Chart step surveyed and searched for related content for this course. The brainstorm was done
by staff and content experts. First, the topic of the course was placed at the centre of the chart. Then, written
down were the closely related topics using linking lines to show relationships. After that, the content experts
checked for accuracy, and revisions were made.
Development of Computer-Assisted Instruction for an electrical circuit course
S. Lertkulvanich, C. Tungpantong & W. Chanthapan
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
Bangkok, Thailand
ABSTRACT: This study aimed to: 1) develop Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) for an electrical circuit course; 2)
determine the effectiveness of the CAI; 3) determine the effect on learning; and 4) determine user satisfaction of the
CAI. The tools used for this study were: 1) the CAI for an electrical circuit course; 2) a test of learning achievement;
and 3) a questionnaire for students’ satisfaction, with 30 students as the sample. It was found that the developed CAI
has effectiveness higher than the defined criteria, 80/80. The pre-test scores and post-test scores showed that the
students had a learning achievement 60% higher than the defined criteria (60%). The students’ satisfaction towards this
CAI is very satisfied. Therefore, it can be concluded that this developed CAI for the electrical circuit course could be
utilised as an effective self-learning tool.
The Concept Chart step was done after the brainstorm chart step. The written topics were analysed again to
review and revise the relationships, hence, the production of the concept chart.
The Content Network Chart step presented the fully analysed concept chart as the content network. The
content experts then checked again for accuracy.