Group or individual education is an indispensable
tool with regard to the adequacy
of behavior and conduct, and thus can help
prevent chronic diseases such as T2DM. Health
education initiatives developed with proper
planning, and based on the construction of
knowledge, achieve good results. The findings
of this study indicate that both the individual
and group educational strategies can be used
effectively in health promotion.
The results also show that, after the
implementation of the educational intervention,
adolescents increased their knowledge
in the immediate and delayed post-test in
both the GA and the GB groups. This was also
observed in other research which evaluated
two educational strategies for the prevention
of T2DM in adolescents with risk factors,
showing that, in the immediate post-test
and group strategy, respectively 64.4% and
13.4% presented “more than good” and “very
good” knowledge rates, whereas individually,
these values were 57.8% and 22.2%. In the
post-60-day assessment, 55.5% and 13.4%
demonstrated “more than good” and “very