When the evening for a small party" came, Meg's best dress looked very old next to Sallie's new one, but no one said anything about it. The girls were getting ready when a servant brought in a box of flowers. For Miss March, she said. And here's a letter. "What fun! Who are they from?' said the girls. "We didn't know you had a young man. The letter is from Mother and the flowers are from Laurie,' said Meg, simply. oh,' said Annie, with a strange look. Her mother's loving words and kindness made Laurie's Meg feel much happier and she enjoyed the party very much. Annie made her sing, and someone said that Meg had a fine voice. So Meg was having a nice time until she heard someone say, on the other side of a large table of flowers: "How old is the Laurence boy?' Sixteen or seventeen, I think,' said another voice. "It would be an excellent thing for one of those girls, said a third voice. Sallie says they are very friendly, and the old man thinks they are all wonderful.' 'I expect Mrs M. has made her plans," said Mrs Moffat's voice, but do you think the girl knows of them?'