1. During an inerview, you are asked about your eximeuricolar activities. You reply 1. I went sightseeing with my parents every summer 2. I was a very hud working student and I camed good gride. 3. I was captain of the university football 4. I could get along well with my classmates 2. A teacher can't read a student's essay because of his poor handwrling. She says, 1. I can't follow your ideas. 2. Your grammar is just temble. 3. You'd better watch your hands while writing. 4.4. You must improve your hadwnUng. 3. A lady is tired of the way her har looks she says to her hairdresser, 2. I want to change my hairstyle. 1. want to make a short-cut 4. Please dry my hair 3. Pleasa set up my hair. 4. At tho end of an examination, a teacher wanta an of her stadents to stop writing so she she say, ............ your pencils 2. Put down say, 1. Keep 4. Throw away 3. Stop 5. A customer in an electronics store asks the sale person if the camera can be used to take pictures or coral in the sea. The salesperson, wanting to make a sale, says, 2. .Always keep it handy 1, or course, it's washable. 4. I doubt if it's automatic. 3. Sure, it's waterproof.