Hello I’m Hunk Green this is SciShow. So we made a video about this once
Before, but some the studies we cited turned out to be bunk and in general. I
think we play a guard to close to our chest. When it come to how we really feel
about genetic engineering here in SciShow. So why are GMOs bad? They’re not.
They just are not intrinsically and certainly not for your health. We’ve been
eating them for decades with no ill effects, which make sense because the
genetically modified organisms is simply an organism, like any other organism
that produces tens of thousands of proteins, but one or two of them were
proteins that were chosen specifically by us humans. Genetic engineering is
necessary for the continued success of the human experiment here on planet
earth, just like the advent of nitrogen-fixing allowed for more fertile field that
saved millions from starvation. The fruits of genetic engineering, sometimes
literally, will help us face the significant challenges in world with more and more
people are in a climate that is less and less stable. Of cause just like nitrogen-
fixing allowed Germany to build bigger bombs in genetic engineering as a tool
that can be used for good or for evil, So yes it must be studied and controlled
and understood but that understanding has to start with like us, Right now!!
If you live in the United States, you almost certainly eat genetically modified
organisms or GMOs. Thus far it’s just plants though pretty much every kind of
meat on the market was likely fed with GM corn at some point and won’t be long
before the animal themselves are genetically modified. In 2012 the FDA review
the new kind of Atlantic salmon engineered to have higher levels of growth
hormone using the genes of Pacific salmon and an eel-like fish called the ocean pout
They concluded that the engineered fish with safe and open up the discussion
for public comment, but still haven’t announced a final decision. GMOs are
everywhere in the US pretty much literally, 95% of sugar beets,88% of corn,94%
of soy beans grown in the US contain traits like being insect resistant or
herbicide-resistant that were engineered into them and some crops are
genetically modified simply for human benefit.
Hello I’m Hunk Green this is SciShow. So we made a video about this onceBefore, but some the studies we cited turned out to be bunk and in general. Ithink we play a guard to close to our chest. When it come to how we really feelabout genetic engineering here in SciShow. So why are GMOs bad? They’re not.They just are not intrinsically and certainly not for your health. We’ve beeneating them for decades with no ill effects, which make sense because thegenetically modified organisms is simply an organism, like any other organismthat produces tens of thousands of proteins, but one or two of them wereproteins that were chosen specifically by us humans. Genetic engineering isnecessary for the continued success of the human experiment here on planetearth, just like the advent of nitrogen-fixing allowed for more fertile field thatsaved millions from starvation. The fruits of genetic engineering, sometimesliterally, will help us face the significant challenges in world with more and morepeople are in a climate that is less and less stable. Of cause just like nitrogen-fixing allowed Germany to build bigger bombs in genetic engineering as a toolthat can be used for good or for evil, So yes it must be studied and controlledand understood but that understanding has to start with like us, Right now!!If you live in the United States, you almost certainly eat genetically modifiedorganisms or GMOs. Thus far it’s just plants though pretty much every kind ofmeat on the market was likely fed with GM corn at some point and won’t be long
before the animal themselves are genetically modified. In 2012 the FDA review
the new kind of Atlantic salmon engineered to have higher levels of growth
hormone using the genes of Pacific salmon and an eel-like fish called the ocean pout
They concluded that the engineered fish with safe and open up the discussion
for public comment, but still haven’t announced a final decision. GMOs are
everywhere in the US pretty much literally, 95% of sugar beets,88% of corn,94%
of soy beans grown in the US contain traits like being insect resistant or
herbicide-resistant that were engineered into them and some crops are
genetically modified simply for human benefit.
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